A-Z Health Conditions Diseases and Their Common Treatments

From The Holy Water by Harald W. Tietze:

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Gall bladder problems

Adjust the diet, fasting and drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Herbal support: Barberry, Vervain, St John’s Wort


Compresses, massage, holistic treatment. Glaucoma Eye bath, drops.

Golden Staph

Drinking of urine, massage of effected areas. See also chapter, Treatment With Auto-urine JTterapy.


Fasting and/or drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Gout Compresses, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue, alteration of diet.

Herbal support:
Mixture A Stinging Nettle 1, Birch 1, Fenugreek 1, Speedwell 1

Mixture B Couch Grass 1, Pansy I, Maiden Hair Fern 1, Rose Hip 2,

Mixture C Dandelion 2, Stinging Nettle 1, Horsetail 2, Birch 1, Rose

hip (with seed) 1, Raspberry 1, — Other teas to alter mixtures: Blind Nettle, Bogbean, Heather scotch. Meadow Sweet

Gum disorders

Rinsing the mouth with fresh urine for several minutes.


Compress, bathing.

​Hair Loss

Massage with both old and new urine.

Hearing problems

see deafness and ear problems.

Heart ailments

Massage of the whole body, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Herbal support: Hawthorn, Horehound, Lavender, Mint, Motherwort, Rose, Shepherd’s Purse:

Heartburn Adjust diet, urine drops under the tongue. • Herbal support: Angelica, Savoury, Mini, Yarrow


See also Liver complaints – Fasting, apply compress, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.


Apply compresses, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.


See AIDS Hypertension see Anxiety


Throat compress, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.


Throat compress, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Infections Compresses, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Insect bites: see bites


The Faclor-S in urine is an inducer of natural sleep.

Herbal support.
Mixture A Speedwell 1, St John’s Wort 1, Jasmine 1, Melissa 1

Mixture B Cowslip 2, Valerian Root 1, Orange Flowers 1,

Other teas to alter mixture with: Chamomile, Dandelion,

I leatherscotch. Lady’s Bedstraw, Mint, Primrose.

Intestinal problems

Enema and drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Itching Wash area with urine, apply compress.


Fasting and drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Joint pain

See pain


Compress on kidney area, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Ramnikal Gada A.U.T gave in his paper “Urine Therapy for Kidney Failure” the following information at the first world conference in

Goa, India: Patients suffering with kidney failure should use all the steps of urine therapy.

The method of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. One should take half a cup of fresh urine, 3 to 4 times a day, then increase it to 2 cups (200 ml) a day within 8 to 15 days. Massage (using seven days old urine), 3 to 4 times a day on the entire stomach and abdomen, and ox’er the whole body twice a day. A compress of hot old urine to be applied 3 to 4 times a day for half an hour each. Enema of urine should be given every 8 to 15 days. As far as possible take a diet of light liquids and easily digested food.

Herbal support: Tea mixture: Prostawort 2. Calendula 2, Juniper I, Bedstraw 1, Dandelion I

Other teas to alter mixture: Barberry, Birch, Golden Rod, Heatherscotch, Maiden Hair Fern, Rose Hip, Sarsaparilla, Seven Barks, Shepherd’s Purse, Caution: Horsetail and Juniper should not be taken with kidney infection!

Kidney stones

Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue and compress on kidney area.


See Throat


Holistic treatment, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue, massage, compress.


Holistic treatment. Leukoderma Compress, massage.

Liver complaints

Compress to liver area, drinking of urine,

homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Herbal support:

Mixture A Agrimony 1, Chicory 1, Dandelion 2,

Mixture B Dandelion 2, Elder Flowers 1, Corn Silk 1 Mixture C Rhubarb 1, Dandelion 2, Barberry 1, Fumitory 1

The above mixtures are only mild. To stimulate the liver more intensively, wormwood and centaury may be added to the mixture. Both teas are very bitter!


See aging


Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops,-fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Lymph glands

Rub area with old urine, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.


Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue, fasting, holistic treatment.

M.E. (C.F.S.) Holistic treatment, enema, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue, massage, fasting.


Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.


Douche, belly compress, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Mental disorder

Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.


Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue as well as head compress and enema, • Herbal supnort: Mixture: Mate 1, Jasmine 1, Speedwell 1 Teas to alter above mixture. Bogbean, Mint, Primrose


Holistic treatment.


Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Mouth infections

Rinsing the mouth for several minutes with fresh urine.

Morning sickness

See also pregnancy. Drink small quantity of diluted urine.

Muscle pain

See pain


Compress, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Neurodermitis Wash skin area, compress and drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Nervous tension

See Anxiety Nose, blocked Sniffing, (asforacold).


Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

With a healthy body, having the capacity to meet its goals, the individual ideal weight must be defined. Many women don’t make their lives easy by frequently setting incorrect goals and trying one diet after another. There are no miracle treatments that can, for example, achieve a strong bone structure and yet still have the body of a model. One has to find one’s own ideal weight. The question has to be put to people, whether they prefer to be slim and sick or healthy with their personal ideal weight. Being overweight of course is just as dangerous as being too slim. A well-balanced healthy diet is the key to reach the ideal weight with moderate exercise as well. Urine can help in weight control. In fasting (please read chapter Fastr/igfor Health) urine will prevent negative effects. Urine improves weight control due to improved digestion and kidney function.

Herbal support:

Mixture A Lady’s Mantle 2, Dandelion I, Angelica I, Corn Silk I, Senna I, Calendula 1, Tansy 1

Paralysis Massage, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.

Mixture B Elder Flower 2, Buckthorn Bark 1, Lady’s Mantle 2, Calendula 1, Dandelion 1, St. Benedict’s 1

Pains in limbs

Massage using old urine, clay packs. Paradontose Rinsing


Fasting, enemas, drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue.


See Hemorrhoids


See also acne. Wash area with urine.


Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue, Fasting, holistic treatment. A few months ago I travelled to a conference in Peru When the subject of urine therapy came up, some of the delegates had problems in hearing about it. They said it makes them vomit since the lecturer started his talk with the practical demonstration of drinking urine. He turned around in front of all the people, filled a glass and drank it. The discussion started immediately, not about urine therapy but if the lecture should be continued. Some were very enthusiastic to hear more about it and mentioned their own experiences. The delegate from South Africa, Credo Mutwa, had a very interesting story to tell. Mr. Mutwa said that 70 years ago urine therapy saved thousands of lives in South Africa. Not many people remember the terrible ‘flu at the end and after the first World War. This flu claimed around 100 million lives, many times the loss from the war itself. He said: “A man had two women, a black one and a white one. These wont cared for the people infected by the ‘flu and eased their suffering in the few days until they died and buried the dead. Anyone else who had worked so close to infected people would have got the ‘fk themselves but not these two women. They told others to start urine therapy, the only protection against the killer disease. The word spread fast and many thousands started the treatment. Not one, not one of the people drinking their own urine died”.

It was hard for me to hear that prevention with urine therapy against such a terrible plague would have been possible. I remembered at that moment that my father talked sometimes about the six coffins on one day in his parents’ house. If they had used urine therapy, would they have lost so many family members within four days?


Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue, fasting, holistic treatment.


Drinking of urine, homoeopathic drops, fresh urine drops under the tongue, fasting, holistic treatment.


Contrary to normal drinking of midstream morning urine, in pregnancy urine from the third flow is used after drinking other liquids like tea, water or milk. Some urine therapists recommend not to use urine therapy in pregnancy at all since hormone levels may become too high. On the other hand, John Rabitsch recommends in his Lecture UR/94 “The Urine-Cure (Treat Yourself Therapy)”: For vomiting in pregnancy it was the ideal treatment. Decisions have to be made individually. See also chapter. Cautions.

Prostate problem

Compress, enema, drinking of urine. • Herbal support. Prostawort (epilobium roseum and epilobium parviflorum) has been used for many generations in the Alpine regions of Europe to counter problems associated with the prostate.


Massage affected areas, injections, diet adjustments, clay compress, UV treatment.

Urine therapy seems to be the best cure for psoriasis. Dr. Rainer Holzhiitter writes in his book, “Urin Heilt”, nearly exclusively about treating psoriasis with urine since all other methods have proven that they dont work. I even heard reports about a court case concerning health insurance to pay for the bill of the doctor’s urine injections which was won and the insurance firm had to pay.

Tina White has sent me following case study: A middle-aged woman presented with psoriasis which had been a continuous condition only on her head for the last 12 years. Had also tried many and varied things. I went through the usual protocol of different ftatural remedies and talked openly to her about urine therapy. Reluctant at first, but managed to open her mind about it all and after that she left me with the suggestion of, each morning she wash her hair then rinse the hair with first mine collected from midstream. I leave on head for up to 20 minutes, then wash out. To her utmost surprise her condition has stopped and her hair is so soft. She now wants to stop taking the pill so she can take her urine homoeopathically each day. Hurray for Urine!

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